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Marie-Christine Simard, Erika Kierulf and Jacinthe Lessard-L. are friends. They share a university background, a studio and some thoughts. This blog is an attempt to force them to dialogue about ART and LIFE and quit with the fence sitting (ha ha ha). The way it works is that one part is CallingTheShot and the others have to answer with words, images or anything else that makes sense. Snapshots are mostly used to do so...
I found this on facebook: "It is only by leaving history to reenter the immanence of the field of potential that change can occur. Even in a codified and regulated sport, there is an opening for this. It is called style. Style is what makes the player. What makes a player a star is more than perfection of technique. Technical perfection merely makes a player most competent. To technical perfection the star adds something extra. ... The star player is one who modifies expected mechanisms of channeling field-potential. The star plays against the rules but not by breaking them. ... A star's style is always a provocation to the referee, who must scrutinize and judge barely tangible extras that amount to very little separately but, as disproportionately effective channelings of potential, add up to an advantage. If the provocation goes too far, new rules need to be invented to subsume the modulation devices" (Massumi, Parables for the Virtual, p.77).